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red blue

architecture + design

Which Guide is Best For You?

We're happy at red blue to help you with your building project. The best way we can help you at the beginning is by giving you information, because information is the best tool you can have. If you choose to use another architect, that's fine, as long as you're asking them the right questions! Just tell us in the 'Message' box which guide you want and we will send it to you for free. How good is that?

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Six Mistakes to Avoid

Discover the six mistakes that you should avoid when you are considering starting a building project.

Where to Begin?

Do you know where to begin? Just having a basic understanding of the process is difficult if you never done this before. We have created a one page flowchart of where to begin, to start your education!

How to Hire an Architect

Do you know where to begin when looking for or hiring an architect? For most it is a foreign proposition. This guide will help you to know what to look for and what to ask.

How to prepare a Design Brief

Do you need help in getting all your ideas and thoughts down on paper? If you are looking at engaging an architect, it is best to give them as much information as possible and this guide will help.

The Approval Process

Understanding the council approval process can be mind boggling. To assist you we have created a one page flowchart of the council approval process, which is a good way to start.

How to Hire a Builder

Figuring out who is the best builder for your project can be as daunting as finding an architect. If you have decided to go it alone, this guide can help in knowing which builder to hire.

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